Fantasy Football Draft Day is without a doubt the best and most important day of the year for all of your buddies in your fantasy football league. It is the day that will determine which players in your league that you will have an insane amount of bonding time over the course of a few months.

Draft day is for the fellas to choose their favorite NFL players and manage them like a real GM. The joy comes in the gambling of choosing which players to draft, drop or trade. The games determine just how much trash talk you’ll hear in your group chat, for the next few days, weeks, months or even years!

It’s crazy how draft parties can be and the number of ways to do them are endless! You can celebrate the simple way, over the phone with a few buddies while using a fantasy football app such as Yahoo or ESPN. You could do it in person at a local pub. Or you can do it up Love Bunnies style! Have some gorgeous girls entertain your party and give is the real spice to make it unforgettable!

For the last decade, Wild Entertainment has provided an expansive and high quality variety of girls for entertaining Fantasy Football draft parties. We have girls all over the U.S. and the largest group is based in Las Vegas, NV.

By choosing two of our topless or fully nude Love Bunnies, they will come to your place and entertain your friends and serve food and drinks, host your draft, tease your friends and do small contests during the draft to keep the guys busy or distracted while trying to draft ๐Ÿ˜‰

The girls can assist in the draft itself by placing stickers or markers on your draft pick board.

Why stress out during the draft when you can have a beautiful girl give you a neck rub or better yet, some sexy and tantalizing lap dances or private dances.

Better yet, why not celebrate this party by ending it with an exotic and sensual girl on girl show! They use toys and love to show you how much they love to please each other. This kind of entertainment can help sooth the pain of any draft mishaps ๐Ÿ˜‰

Whatever option you choose, we can guarantee that your nfl fantasy football draft party will go without a hitch! When you entrust Wild Entertainment and the Love Bunnies for your entertainment, you can rest assured that we will work the hardest to make sure every one of your guests are happy and taken care of! Serving drinks, snacks, with a side of T&A ๐Ÿ˜‰

Contact Love Bunnies today to make sure your league has everything it needs to become the most epic Fantasy Football Draft Party ever! We will do everything to help make your fantasies come true.